Commit 2024-10-23 02:43 1eba96a6

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chore: use newly introduced finset notation (#17974) For s : Finset α, replace s.card with #s, s.filter p with {x ∈ s | p x}, ∑ x ∈ s.filter p, f x with ∑ x ∈ s with p x, f x. Rewrap lines around and open the Finset locale where necessary.

Estimated changes

modified theorem Fin.card_Icc
modified theorem Fin.card_Ici
modified theorem Fin.card_Ico
modified theorem Fin.card_Iic
modified theorem Fin.card_Iio
modified theorem Fin.card_Ioc
modified theorem Fin.card_Ioi
modified theorem Fin.card_Ioo
modified theorem Fin.card_uIcc
modified theorem Nat.card_Icc
modified theorem Nat.card_Ico
modified theorem Nat.card_Iic
modified theorem Nat.card_Iio
modified theorem Nat.card_Ioc
modified theorem Nat.card_Ioo
modified theorem Nat.card_uIcc