Commit 2024-01-29 06:37 1fa9ebf0

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feat(Algebra/InfiniteSum): drop [T2Space _] assumption (#10060)

  • Add CanLift instance for Function.Embedding.
  • Assume Injective i instead of an equivalent condition in hasSum_iff_hasSum_of_ne_zero_bij.
  • Add tsum_eq_sum', a version of tsum_eq_sum that explicitly mentions support f.
  • Add Function.Injective.tsum_eq, use it to drop [T2Space _] assumption in
    • Equiv.tsum_eq;
    • tsum_subtype_eq_of_support_subset;
    • tsum_subtype_support;
    • tsum_subtype;
    • tsum_univ;
    • tsum_image;
    • tsum_range;
    • tsum_setElem_eq_tsum_setElem_diff;
    • tsum_eq_tsum_diff_singleton;
    • tsum_eq_tsum_of_ne_zero_bij;
    • Equiv.tsum_eq_tsum_of_support;
    • tsum_extend_zero;
  • Golf some proofs.
  • Drop Equiv.Set.prod_singleton_left and Equiv.Set.prod_singleton_right added in #10038. @MichaelStollBayreuth, if you need these Equivs, then please
    • restore them in Logic/Equiv/Set, not in Data/Set/Prod;
    • call them Equiv.Set.singletonProd and Equiv.Set.prodSingleton, following the lowerCamelCase naming convention for defs;
    • reuse the existing and Equiv.prodUnique/Equiv.uniqueProd in the definitions.

Estimated changes

modified theorem Equiv.tsum_eq
modified theorem tsum_eq_single
added theorem tsum_eq_sum'
modified theorem tsum_eq_sum
modified theorem tsum_eq_tsum_diff_singleton
modified theorem tsum_eq_tsum_of_ne_zero_bij
modified theorem tsum_subtype
added theorem tsum_subtype_support
modified theorem tsum_tsum_eq_single