Commit 2023-10-20 20:51 214e72fd

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feat: add a SetLike default rule set for aesop (#7111) This creates a new aesop rule set called SetLike to house lemmas about membership in subobjects. Lemmas like pow_mem should be included in the rule set:

@[to_additive (attr := aesop safe apply (rule_sets [SetLike]))]
theorem pow_mem {M A} [Monoid M] [SetLike A M] [SubmonoidClass A M] {S : A} {x : M}
(hx : x ∈ S) : ∀ n : ℕ, x ^ n ∈ S

Lemmas about closures, like AddSubmonoid.closure should be included in the rule set, but they should be assigned a penalty (here we choose 20 throughout) so that they are not attempted before the general purpose ones like pow_mem.

@[to_additive (attr := simp, aesop safe 20 apply (rule_sets [SetLike]))
  "The `AddSubmonoid` generated by a set includes the set."]
theorem subset_closure : s ⊆ closure s := fun _ hx => mem_closure.2 fun _ hS => hS hx

In order for aesop to make effective use of AddSubmonoid.closure it needs the following new lemma.

@[aesop 5% apply (rule_sets [SetLike])]
lemma mem_of_subset {s : Set B} (hp : s ⊆ p) {x : B} (hx : x ∈ s) : x ∈ p := hp hx

Note: this lemma is marked as very unsafe (5%) because it will apply whenever the goal is of the form x ∈ p where p is any term of a SetLike instance; and moreover, it will create s as a metavariable, which is in general a terrible idea, but necessary for the reason mentioned above.

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