Commit 2023-05-12 11:43 237c33e0

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chore: refactor of concrete categories (#3900) I think the ports

Overall I'm pretty happy, and it allows me to unstick the long stuck This is not everything I want to do to refactor these files, but once I was satisfied that I can move forward with RingCat, I want to get this merged so we can unblock porting progress. I'll promise to come back to this soon! :-)

Estimated changes

deleted theorem CommGroupCat.Hom.map_mul
deleted theorem CommGroupCat.Hom.map_one
deleted def
deleted theorem CommGroupCat.Hom.mk_apply
added theorem CommGroupCat.coe_comp
added theorem CommGroupCat.coe_id
deleted theorem CommGroupCat.comp_apply
modified theorem CommGroupCat.ext
deleted theorem CommGroupCat.id_apply
modified theorem CommGroupCat.one_apply
deleted theorem GroupCat.Hom.map_mul
deleted theorem GroupCat.Hom.map_one
deleted def
deleted theorem GroupCat.Hom.mk_apply
added theorem GroupCat.coe_comp
added theorem GroupCat.coe_id
deleted theorem GroupCat.comp_apply
modified theorem GroupCat.ext
added theorem GroupCat.forget_map
deleted theorem GroupCat.id_apply
modified theorem GroupCat.one_apply
deleted theorem CommMonCat.Hom.map_mul
deleted theorem CommMonCat.Hom.map_one
deleted def
added theorem CommMonCat.coe_comp
added theorem CommMonCat.coe_id
added theorem CommMonCat.ext
added theorem CommMonCat.forget_map
modified def CommMonCat.ofHom
deleted theorem MonCat.Hom.map_mul
deleted theorem MonCat.Hom.map_one
deleted def
added theorem MonCat.coe_comp
added theorem MonCat.coe_id
modified theorem MonCat.coe_of
added theorem MonCat.ext
added theorem MonCat.forget_map
modified def MonCat.ofHom