Commit 2023-09-11 15:07 23cd2eab

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chore: reduce imports to Data/Nat/Cast/Basic and Data/Rat/Defs (#7093)

Estimated changes

deleted theorem Commute.ofNat_left
deleted theorem Commute.ofNat_right
deleted theorem Nat.abs_cast
deleted theorem Nat.cast_comm
deleted theorem Nat.cast_commute
deleted theorem Nat.cast_le
deleted theorem Nat.cast_le_one
deleted theorem Nat.cast_lt
deleted theorem Nat.cast_lt_one
deleted theorem Nat.commute_cast
deleted theorem Nat.one_le_cast
deleted theorem Nat.one_lt_cast
deleted theorem Nat.strictMono_cast
deleted theorem NeZero.nat_of_injective
added theorem Nat.abs_cast
added theorem Nat.cast_le
added theorem Nat.cast_le_one
added theorem Nat.cast_lt
added theorem Nat.cast_lt_one
added theorem Nat.one_le_cast
added theorem Nat.one_lt_cast
added theorem Nat.strictMono_cast