Commit 2024-05-16 07:16 24b0c39d

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feat(NumberTheory/EllipticDivisibilitySequence): expose the auxiliary sequence (#10814) Expose the auxiliary sequences associated to normalised elliptic divisibility sequences along with their corresponding API, and fix the comments under implementation notes. This is needed to define $n$-division polynomials of elliptic curves in a later downstream file as univariate polynomials with the factor of the bivariate $2$-division polynomial omitted.

Estimated changes

deleted def normEDS'
deleted theorem normEDS'_even
deleted theorem normEDS'_four
deleted theorem normEDS'_odd
deleted theorem normEDS'_one
deleted theorem normEDS'_three
deleted theorem normEDS'_two
deleted theorem normEDS'_zero
modified def normEDS
added theorem normEDS_ofNat
added def preNormEDS'
added theorem preNormEDS'_even
added theorem preNormEDS'_four
added theorem preNormEDS'_odd
added theorem preNormEDS'_one
added theorem preNormEDS'_three
added theorem preNormEDS'_two
added theorem preNormEDS'_zero
added def preNormEDS
added theorem preNormEDS_even
added theorem preNormEDS_four
added theorem preNormEDS_neg
added theorem preNormEDS_odd
added theorem preNormEDS_ofNat
added theorem preNormEDS_one
added theorem preNormEDS_three
added theorem preNormEDS_two
added theorem preNormEDS_zero