Commit 2023-08-08 13:50 2be04ba8

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feat: Add ConditionallyCompleteLinearOder versions of Monotone.map_limsSup_of_continuousAt etc. (#6107) Generalize some existing lemmas from CompleteLinearOrders to ConditionallyCompleteLinearOrders, adding the appropriate boundedness assumptions:

  • Monotone.map_limsSup_of_continuousAt + its 3 order-dual variants
  • Monotone.map_limsup_of_continuousAt + its 3 order-dual variants
  • Monotone.map_sSup_of_continuousAt' + its 3 order-dual variants
  • Monotone.map_iSup_of_continuousAt' + its 3 order-dual variants For the first two to work automatically still on CompleteLinearOrders, the existing macro tactic isBoundedDefault about boundedness of filters is used. For the last two to work automatically still on CompleteLinearOrders, a similar new macro tactic bddDefault about boundedness of sets is included in the PR.

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