Commit 2024-03-17 08:48 2fbad35e

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refactor(Algebra/Group/AddChar): reimplement using structures (#11375) Following discussion at #11313 this is an attempt to refactor Algebra/Group/AddChar.lean such that AddChar A M is a structure in its own right rather than a type synonym for Multiplicative A →* M. We also relax typeclass assumptions considerably (only assuming commutativity, etc, where it is really needed) and add some new functionality, e.g. composition with monoid morphisms on either side (MonoidHom.compAddChar and AddChar.compAddMonoidHom).

Estimated changes

modified def AddChar.IsNontrivial
added theorem AddChar.coe_mk
deleted theorem AddChar.coe_to_fun_apply
modified theorem AddChar.ext
added theorem AddChar.inv_apply'
modified theorem AddChar.inv_apply
modified theorem AddChar.map_add_mul
added theorem AddChar.map_neg_inv
modified theorem AddChar.map_nsmul_pow
modified theorem AddChar.map_zero_one
modified theorem AddChar.map_zsmul_zpow
modified theorem AddChar.mulShift_apply
modified theorem AddChar.mul_apply
modified theorem AddChar.one_apply
added theorem AddChar.pow_apply
modified def AddChar.toMonoidHom
added structure AddChar
deleted def AddChar