Commit 2022-11-14 20:37 3055f901

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feat: abel_nf, abel tactic (#555) This is basically a copy-paste job from ring_nf. It adds the analogous things for abel:

  • abel1 solves abelian group equalities
  • abel_nf rewrites abelian group equalities in hyps or target to a normal form, including recursively inside atoms
  • abel_nf is also a conv tactic that does the same thing
  • abel calls abel1 and then abel_nf with a trace message
  • abel is also a conv tactic that solves equalities by rewriting them to True

Estimated changes

deleted structure Tactic.Abel.Context
deleted inductive Tactic.Abel.NormalExpr
deleted def Tactic.Abel.add_g
deleted def Tactic.Abel.smul
deleted def Tactic.Abel.smulg
deleted def Tactic.Abel.term
deleted theorem Tactic.Abel.term_add_term
deleted theorem Tactic.Abel.term_atom
deleted theorem Tactic.Abel.term_atomg
deleted theorem Tactic.Abel.term_neg
deleted theorem Tactic.Abel.term_smul
deleted theorem Tactic.Abel.term_smulg
deleted def Tactic.Abel.termg
deleted theorem Tactic.Abel.unfold_smul
deleted theorem Tactic.Abel.unfold_smulg
deleted theorem Tactic.Abel.unfold_sub
deleted theorem Tactic.Abel.unfold_zsmul
deleted theorem Tactic.Abel.zero_smul
deleted theorem Tactic.Abel.zero_smulg
deleted theorem Tactic.Abel.zero_term
deleted theorem Tactic.Abel.zero_termg
deleted def Tactic.abel1Impl