Commit 2023-07-17 03:51 307d5488

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feat(MeasureTheory.Integral.Bochner): drop completeness requirement from the definition (#5910) The notion of Bochner integral of a function taking values in a normed space E requires that E is complete. This means that whenever we write down an integral, the term contains the assertion that E is complete. In this PR, we remove the completeness requirement from the definition, using the junk value 0 when the space is not complete. Mathematically this does not make any difference, as all reasonable applications will be with a complete E. But it means that terms involving integrals become a little bit simpler and that completeness will not have to be checked by the system when applying a bunch of basic lemmas on integrals.

Estimated changes

modified theorem MeasureTheory.integral_add'
modified theorem MeasureTheory.integral_add
modified theorem MeasureTheory.integral_eq
modified theorem MeasureTheory.integral_map
modified theorem MeasureTheory.integral_neg'
modified theorem MeasureTheory.integral_neg
modified theorem MeasureTheory.integral_smul
modified theorem MeasureTheory.integral_sub'
modified theorem MeasureTheory.integral_sub
modified theorem MeasureTheory.integral_trim
modified theorem MeasureTheory.integral_tsum
modified theorem MeasureTheory.integral_zero