Commit 2023-10-25 13:20 34d930ad

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feat(Analysis/Analytic): A few lemmas that simple things are analytic (#7677) We record various simple lemmas that things are analyticAt or analyticOn. There's no hard work here, just corollaries of other results:

  1. id, fst, snd
  2. Power series terms, in the origin (we already know they have power series, this is just the .analyticAt_changeOrigin corollary
  3. Finite sums
  4. Pairs of analytic functions: x ↦ (f x, g x) We also add a few lemmas for dealing with curried analytic functions. Starting with AnalyticOn 𝕜 (uncurry h) s,
  5. AnalyticOn.curry_comp composes it with two input analytic functions
  6. AnalyticOn.along_fst/snd show analyticity along each coordinate

Estimated changes

deleted theorem AnalyticAt.mul
deleted theorem AnalyticAt.pow
deleted theorem AnalyticAt.smul
added theorem analyticAt_fst
deleted theorem analyticAt_inv
deleted theorem analyticAt_mul
deleted theorem analyticAt_smul
added theorem analyticAt_snd
added theorem analyticOn_fst
added theorem analyticOn_id
added theorem analyticOn_snd