Commit 2024-04-08 13:15 3576301e

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feat(ModularForms/JacobiTheta): derivative of theta function (#11824) This is a rewrite of JacobiTheta/TwoVariable.lean, adding a number of new results needed for Hurwitz and Dirichlet L-series. The main addition is developing the theory of the z-derivative of the theta function, as an object of study in its own right (functional equations, periodicity, holomorphy etc) – this is needed to prove analytic continuation + functional equations for odd Dirichlet characters. We also add a number of new results about the existing jacobiTheta2 function:

  • converses of all the convergence statements (showing the series are never convergent if tau is outside the upper half-plane), which allows hypotheses to be removed from several results further downstream
  • differentiability in both variables jointly, not just each variable separately as before.

Estimated changes

added def jacobiTheta₂'
added theorem jacobiTheta₂'_conj
added theorem jacobiTheta₂'_undef
added def jacobiTheta₂
added theorem jacobiTheta₂_conj
deleted theorem jacobiTheta₂_term_bound
added theorem jacobiTheta₂_undef