Commit 2024-08-29 16:54 37864dde

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feat(EReal): rework limsup_add properties (#15261) Rework of properties about iSup/iInf/limsup/liminf and addition in extended reals:

  • A key property about addition and order has been abstracted away in Data.Real.Ereal. Three new lemmas add_le_of_forall_lt_add_top, add_le_of_forall_lt_add, le_add_of_forall_gt_add. The first one is private (generalized by the second one).
  • These new lemmas allow for very streamlined proofs of add_liminf_le_liminf_add and limsup_add_le_add_limsup in Topology.instances.EReal. I've also deleted a few intermediate lemmas which are not needed anymore.
  • These new lemmas also allow for short proofs of a few more useful lemmas: add_iInf_le_iInf_add, iSup_add_le_add_iSup about Inf/Sup, and limsup_add_liminf_le_limsup_add, liminf_add_le_limsup_add_liminf about limsup/liminf.

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