Commit 2024-09-12 06:16 381b26ac

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feat(Order/SuccPred/Limit): IsSuccLimit (#16499) The matter of whether 0 is or not a limit element (of the ordinals/cardinals) is a highly contentious one. To bridge this gap, we redefine IsSuccLimit so as to explicitly exclude minimal elements. A previous PR had already renamed the weaker notion to IsSuccPrelimit. Future PRs will introduce the usual limit induction principles, and deprecate Cardinal.IsLimit and Ordinal.IsLimit.

Estimated changes

added theorem Order.isPredLimit_iff
added theorem Order.isSuccLimit_iff
added theorem Order.not_isPredLimit
modified theorem Order.not_isPredPrelimit
added theorem Order.not_isSuccLimit
modified theorem Order.not_isSuccPrelimit