Commit 2023-08-16 09:33 38c07226

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refactor(Data/Matrix): Eliminate notation in favor of HMul (#6487) The main difficulty here is that * has a slightly difference precedence to . notably around smul and neg. The other annoyance is that ↑U ⬝ A ⬝ ↑U⁻¹ : Matrix m m 𝔸 now has to be written U.val * A * (U⁻¹).val in order to typecheck. A downside of this change to consider: if you have a goal of A * (B * C) = (A * B) * C, mul_assoc now gives the illusion of matching, when in fact Matrix.mul_assoc is needed. Previously the distinct symbol made it easy to avoid this mistake. On the flipside, there is now no need to rewrite by Matrix.mul_eq_mul all the time (indeed, the lemma is now removed).

Estimated changes

modified theorem Matrix.det_conj
modified theorem Matrix.inv_eq_left_inv
modified theorem Matrix.inv_eq_right_inv
modified theorem Matrix.left_inv_eq_left_inv
modified theorem Matrix.mul_eq_one_comm
modified theorem Matrix.mul_inv_rev
modified theorem Matrix.mul_nonsing_inv
modified theorem Matrix.nonsing_inv_mul