Commit 2024-06-05 08:10 3b9aaf4f

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refactor: Redefine pow in terms of iterate (#1388) In the Monoid instances for Function.End α, Equiv.Perm α, Monoid.End α, AddMonoid.End α, α →+* α, replace the default npowRec by a custom one in terms of Nat.iterate. Write the expected coercion lemmas. As a consequence, I can delete the recently introduced file Algebra.Ring.Hom.IterateHom. Zulip discussion:

Estimated changes

modified theorem RingHom.coe_mul
modified theorem RingHom.coe_one
added theorem RingHom.coe_pow
modified theorem RingHom.mul_def
modified theorem RingHom.one_def