Commit 2024-07-23 12:07 3cd501d4

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refactor: Make Frame extend HeytingAlgebra (#10560) It is mathematically true that a frame is a Heyting algebra. However we want nice defeqs, so we can't just provide an instance defining himp as some supremum. Instead, we need Frame to directly extend HeytingAlgebra.

Estimated changes

deleted theorem PUnit.sInf_eq
deleted theorem PUnit.sSup_eq
deleted theorem biInf_sup_biInf
deleted theorem biSup_inf_biSup
deleted theorem biSup_symmDiff_biSup_le
deleted theorem compl_iInf
deleted theorem compl_iSup
deleted theorem compl_sInf'
deleted theorem compl_sInf
deleted theorem compl_sSup'
deleted theorem compl_sSup
deleted theorem disjoint_iSup_iff
deleted theorem disjoint_iSup₂_iff
deleted theorem disjoint_sSup_iff
deleted theorem iInf_iSup_eq
deleted theorem iInf_sup_eq
deleted theorem iInf_sup_iInf
deleted theorem iInf_sup_of_antitone
deleted theorem iInf_sup_of_monotone
deleted theorem iInf₂_sup_eq
deleted theorem iSup_disjoint_iff
deleted theorem iSup_iInf_eq
modified theorem iSup_iInf_le
deleted theorem iSup_inf_eq
deleted theorem iSup_inf_iSup
deleted theorem iSup_inf_of_antitone
deleted theorem iSup_inf_of_monotone
deleted theorem iSup_symmDiff_iSup_le
deleted theorem iSup₂_disjoint_iff
deleted theorem iSup₂_inf_eq
deleted theorem inf_iSup_eq
deleted theorem inf_iSup₂_eq
deleted theorem inf_sSup_eq
deleted theorem sInf_sup_eq
deleted theorem sInf_sup_sInf
deleted theorem sSup_disjoint_iff
deleted theorem sSup_inf_eq
deleted theorem sSup_inf_sSup
deleted theorem sup_iInf_eq
deleted theorem sup_iInf₂_eq
deleted theorem sup_sInf_eq
added theorem iInf_ulift
added theorem iInf_unique
added theorem iSup_ulift
added theorem iSup_unique