Commit 2023-01-10 17:53 3edd6391

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feat: port Algebra.Order.Floor (#1304) This PR provided some of the first serious testing of linarith and abel, resulting in bugfixes #1358 and #1394.

Estimated changes

added def FloorRing.ofCeil
added theorem Int.abs_fract
added theorem Int.abs_one_sub_fract
added def Int.ceil
added theorem Int.ceil_add_ceil_le
added theorem Int.ceil_add_int
added theorem Int.ceil_add_le
added theorem Int.ceil_add_nat
added theorem Int.ceil_add_one
added theorem Int.ceil_congr
added theorem Int.ceil_eq_iff
added theorem Int.ceil_eq_on_Ioc'
added theorem Int.ceil_eq_on_Ioc
added theorem Int.ceil_eq_zero_iff
added theorem Int.ceil_int
added theorem Int.ceil_intCast
added theorem Int.ceil_le
added theorem Int.ceil_lt_add_one
added theorem Int.ceil_mono
added theorem Int.ceil_natCast
added theorem Int.ceil_neg
added theorem Int.ceil_nonneg
added theorem Int.ceil_one
added theorem Int.ceil_pos
added theorem Int.ceil_sub_int
added theorem Int.ceil_sub_nat
added theorem Int.ceil_sub_one
added theorem Int.ceil_sub_self_eq
added theorem Int.ceil_toNat
added theorem Int.ceil_zero
added def Int.floor
added theorem Int.floorRing_ceil_eq
added theorem Int.floorRing_floor_eq
added theorem Int.floor_add_fract
added theorem Int.floor_add_int
added theorem Int.floor_add_nat
added theorem Int.floor_add_one
added theorem Int.floor_congr
added theorem Int.floor_eq_iff
added theorem Int.floor_eq_on_Ico'
added theorem Int.floor_eq_on_Ico
added theorem Int.floor_eq_zero_iff
added theorem Int.floor_fract
added theorem Int.floor_int
added theorem Int.floor_intCast
added theorem Int.floor_int_add
added theorem Int.floor_le
added theorem Int.floor_le_ceil
added theorem Int.floor_lt
added theorem Int.floor_mono
added theorem Int.floor_natCast
added theorem Int.floor_nat_add
added theorem Int.floor_neg
added theorem Int.floor_nonneg
added theorem Int.floor_nonpos
added theorem Int.floor_one
added theorem Int.floor_pos
added theorem Int.floor_sub_int
added theorem Int.floor_sub_nat
added theorem Int.floor_toNat
added theorem Int.floor_zero
added def Int.fract
added theorem Int.fract_add
added theorem Int.fract_add_floor
added theorem Int.fract_add_fract_le
added theorem Int.fract_add_int
added theorem Int.fract_add_le
added theorem Int.fract_add_nat
added theorem Int.fract_eq_fract
added theorem Int.fract_eq_iff
added theorem Int.fract_eq_self
added theorem Int.fract_floor
added theorem Int.fract_fract
added theorem Int.fract_int
added theorem Int.fract_intCast
added theorem Int.fract_int_add
added theorem Int.fract_int_nat
added theorem Int.fract_lt_one
added theorem Int.fract_mul_nat
added theorem Int.fract_natCast
added theorem Int.fract_neg
added theorem Int.fract_neg_eq_zero
added theorem Int.fract_nonneg
added theorem Int.fract_one
added theorem Int.fract_sub_int
added theorem Int.fract_sub_nat
added theorem Int.fract_sub_self
added theorem Int.fract_zero
added theorem Int.gc_ceil_coe
added theorem Int.gc_coe_floor
added theorem Int.image_fract
added theorem Int.le_ceil
added theorem Int.le_floor
added theorem Int.le_floor_add
added theorem Int.le_floor_add_floor
added theorem Int.lt_ceil
added theorem Int.lt_floor_add_one
added theorem Int.lt_succ_floor
added theorem Int.map_ceil
added theorem Int.map_floor
added theorem Int.map_fract
added theorem Int.map_round
added theorem Int.one_le_ceil_iff
added theorem Int.preimage_Icc
added theorem Int.preimage_Ici
added theorem Int.preimage_Ico
added theorem Int.preimage_Iic
added theorem Int.preimage_Iio
added theorem Int.preimage_Ioc
added theorem Int.preimage_Ioi
added theorem Int.preimage_Ioo
added theorem Int.preimage_fract
added theorem Int.self_sub_floor
added theorem Int.self_sub_fract
added theorem Int.sub_one_lt_floor
added def Nat.ceil
added theorem Nat.ceil_add_le
added theorem Nat.ceil_add_nat
added theorem Nat.ceil_add_one
added theorem Nat.ceil_congr
added theorem Nat.ceil_eq_iff
added theorem Nat.ceil_eq_zero
added theorem Nat.ceil_int
added theorem Nat.ceil_intCast
added theorem Nat.ceil_le
added theorem Nat.ceil_lt_add_one
added theorem Nat.ceil_mono
added theorem Nat.ceil_nat
added theorem Nat.ceil_natCast
added theorem Nat.ceil_one
added theorem Nat.ceil_pos
added theorem Nat.ceil_zero
added def Nat.floor
added theorem Nat.floor_add_nat
added theorem Nat.floor_add_one
added theorem Nat.floor_coe
added theorem Nat.floor_congr
added theorem Nat.floor_div_eq_div
added theorem Nat.floor_div_nat
added theorem Nat.floor_eq_iff'
added theorem Nat.floor_eq_iff
added theorem Nat.floor_eq_on_Ico'
added theorem Nat.floor_eq_on_Ico
added theorem Nat.floor_eq_zero
added theorem Nat.floor_int
added theorem Nat.floor_le
added theorem Nat.floor_le_ceil
added theorem Nat.floor_le_of_le
added theorem Nat.floor_lt'
added theorem Nat.floor_lt
added theorem Nat.floor_lt_one
added theorem Nat.floor_mono
added theorem Nat.floor_nat
added theorem Nat.floor_of_nonpos
added theorem Nat.floor_one
added theorem Nat.floor_pos
added theorem Nat.floor_sub_nat
added theorem Nat.floor_zero
added theorem Nat.gc_ceil_coe
added theorem Nat.le_ceil
added theorem Nat.le_floor
added theorem Nat.le_floor_iff'
added theorem Nat.le_floor_iff
added theorem Nat.le_of_ceil_le
added theorem Nat.lt_ceil
added theorem Nat.lt_floor_add_one
added theorem Nat.lt_of_ceil_lt
added theorem Nat.lt_of_floor_lt
added theorem Nat.lt_of_lt_floor
added theorem Nat.lt_succ_floor
added theorem Nat.map_ceil
added theorem Nat.map_floor
added theorem Nat.one_le_ceil_iff
added theorem Nat.one_le_floor_iff
added theorem Nat.pos_of_floor_pos
added theorem Nat.preimage_Icc
added theorem Nat.preimage_Ici
added theorem Nat.preimage_Ico
added theorem Nat.preimage_Iic
added theorem Nat.preimage_Iio
added theorem Nat.preimage_Ioc
added theorem Nat.preimage_Ioi
added theorem Nat.preimage_Ioo
added theorem Nat.preimage_ceil_zero
added theorem Nat.sub_one_lt_floor
added theorem abs_sub_round
added theorem abs_sub_round_eq_min
added def round
added theorem round_add_int
added theorem round_add_nat
added theorem round_add_one
added theorem round_eq
added theorem round_eq_zero_iff
added theorem round_intCast
added theorem round_int_add
added theorem round_le
added theorem round_natCast
added theorem round_nat_add
added theorem round_neg_two_inv
added theorem round_one
added theorem round_sub_int
added theorem round_sub_nat
added theorem round_sub_one
added theorem round_two_inv
added theorem round_zero
added theorem subsingleton_floorRing