Commit 2024-12-02 04:16 41ff1f78

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chore: bump toolchain to v4.15.0-rc1, and merge bump/v4.15.0 adaptations branch (#19675)

Estimated changes

modified def Nat.Partrec'.Vec
modified theorem Nat.Partrec'.comp₁
modified theorem Nat.Partrec'.of_eq
modified theorem Nat.Partrec'.of_prim
modified theorem Nat.Partrec'.rfindOpt
modified inductive Nat.Partrec'
modified def Nat.Primrec'.Vec
modified theorem Nat.Primrec'.of_eq
modified inductive Nat.Primrec'
modified theorem Primrec.vector_cons
modified theorem Primrec.vector_get'
modified theorem Primrec.vector_get
modified theorem Primrec.vector_head
modified theorem Primrec.vector_length
modified theorem Primrec.vector_ofFn'
modified theorem Primrec.vector_tail
modified theorem Primrec.vector_toList
modified theorem Primrec.vector_toList_iff
deleted theorem List.getLast_ofFn
deleted theorem List.head_ofFn
deleted theorem List.ofFn_eq_nil_iff
deleted theorem List.ofFn_succ
deleted theorem List.ofFn_zero
modified theorem Sym.cons_of_coe_eq
modified def Sym.ofVector
modified theorem Sym.ofVector_cons
modified theorem Sym.ofVector_nil
modified theorem Sym.sound