Commit 2023-09-05 23:13 44f55245

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feat: Alexandrov-discrete spaces (#6962) We define Alexandrov-discrete spaces as topological spaces where the intersection of a family of open sets is open. This PR only gives a minimal API because the goal is to ensure that lemma names like isOpen_sInter are free to use for AlexandrovDiscrete. The existing lemmas are getting prefixed by Set.Finite or suffixed by _of_finite.

Estimated changes

added theorem isClopen_iUnion
added theorem isClopen_sUnion
added theorem isClosed_iUnion
added theorem isClosed_sUnion
added theorem isOpen_iInter
added theorem isOpen_sInter
deleted theorem closure_iUnion
deleted theorem interior_iInter
deleted theorem isClosed_biUnion
deleted theorem isClosed_iUnion
deleted theorem isOpen_biInter
deleted theorem isOpen_iInter
deleted theorem isOpen_sInter