Commit 2022-10-13 02:35 458330ed

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feat: add simp frontend for norm_num (#451) No new functionality here except that norm_num now calls itself as discharger. More to come.

Estimated changes

added structure Mathlib.Tactic.Ring.Cache
added structure Mathlib.Tactic.Ring.State
deleted structure Tactic.Ring.Cache
deleted inductive Tactic.Ring.HornerExpr
deleted structure Tactic.Ring.State
deleted def Tactic.Ring.addAtom
deleted def Tactic.Ring.horner
deleted theorem Tactic.Ring.horner_atom
deleted theorem Tactic.Ring.horner_horner
deleted theorem Tactic.Ring.horner_pow
deleted def Tactic.Ring.mkAppCS
deleted theorem Tactic.Ring.pow_succ_eq
deleted theorem Tactic.Ring.zero_horner