Commit 2023-09-16 07:01 45b31dda

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chore: replace Fin.castIso and Fin.revPerm with Fin.cast and Fin.rev for the bump of Std (#5847) Some theorems in Data.Fin.Basic are copied to Std at the recent commit in Std. These are written using Fin.cast and Fin.rev, so declarations using Fin.castIso and Fin.revPerm in Mathlib should be rewritten.

Estimated changes

deleted theorem Fin.addNat_castIso
deleted theorem Fin.castAdd_castIso
deleted theorem Fin.castIso_addNat
deleted theorem Fin.castIso_addNat_left
deleted theorem Fin.castIso_addNat_right
deleted theorem Fin.castIso_addNat_zero
deleted theorem Fin.castIso_castAdd_left
deleted theorem Fin.castIso_castAdd_right
deleted theorem Fin.castIso_castSucc
deleted theorem Fin.castIso_eq_cast
deleted theorem Fin.castIso_last
deleted theorem Fin.castIso_mk
deleted theorem Fin.castIso_natAdd
deleted theorem Fin.castIso_natAdd_left
deleted theorem Fin.castIso_natAdd_right
deleted theorem Fin.castIso_natAdd_zero
deleted theorem Fin.castIso_succ_eq
deleted theorem Fin.castIso_trans
deleted theorem Fin.castIso_zero
added theorem Fin.cast_eq_cast
added theorem Fin.cast_le_cast
added theorem Fin.cast_zero
deleted theorem Fin.coe_castIso
modified theorem Fin.last_sub
added theorem Fin.leftInverse_cast
deleted theorem Fin.natAdd_castIso
deleted theorem Fin.natAdd_subNat_castIso
modified theorem Fin.revOrderIso_symm_apply
deleted theorem Fin.revPerm_bijective
deleted theorem Fin.revPerm_eq
deleted theorem Fin.revPerm_inj
deleted theorem Fin.revPerm_injective
deleted theorem Fin.revPerm_involutive
deleted theorem Fin.revPerm_le_revPerm
deleted theorem Fin.revPerm_lt_revPerm
deleted theorem Fin.revPerm_revPerm
deleted theorem Fin.revPerm_surjective
added theorem Fin.rev_bijective
added theorem Fin.rev_injective
added theorem Fin.rev_involutive
added theorem Fin.rev_surjective
added theorem Fin.rightInverse_cast
deleted theorem Fin.succ_castIso_eq
deleted theorem Fin.val_revPerm