Commit 2024-04-07 07:06 47062a71

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chore: Split Data.{Nat,Int}{.Order}.Basic in group vs ring instances (#11924) Scatter the content of Data.Nat.Basic across:

  • Data.Nat.Defs for the lemmas having no dependencies
  • Algebra.Group.Nat for the monoid instances and the few miscellaneous lemmas needing them.
  • Algebra.Ring.Nat for the semiring instance and the few miscellaneous lemmas following it. Similarly, scatter
  • Data.Int.Basic across Data.Int.Defs, Algebra.Group.Int, Algebra.Ring.Int
  • Data.Nat.Order.Basic across Data.Nat.Defs, Algebra.Order.Group.Nat, Algebra.Order.Ring.Nat
  • Data.Int.Order.Basic across Data.Int.Defs, Algebra.Order.Group.Int, Algebra.Order.Ring.Int Also move a few lemmas from Data.Nat.Order.Lemmas to Data.Nat.Defs. Before pre_11924 After post_11924

Estimated changes

deleted theorem Int.natAbs_sq
deleted theorem Int.natCast_eq_zero
deleted theorem Int.natCast_ne_zero
deleted theorem Nat.cast_natAbs
deleted theorem bit0_mul
deleted theorem bit1_mul
deleted theorem mul_bit0
deleted theorem mul_bit1
added theorem Nat.cast_natAbs
added theorem bit0_mul
added theorem bit1_mul
added theorem mul_bit0
added theorem mul_bit1
deleted theorem Nat.div_div_div_eq_div
deleted theorem Nat.dvd_div_iff
deleted theorem Nat.dvd_div_of_mul_dvd
deleted theorem Nat.dvd_iff_div_mul_eq
deleted theorem Nat.dvd_iff_dvd_dvd
deleted theorem Nat.dvd_iff_le_div_mul
deleted theorem Nat.dvd_left_iff_eq
deleted theorem Nat.dvd_left_injective
deleted theorem Nat.dvd_right_iff_eq
deleted theorem Nat.dvd_sub'
deleted theorem Nat.eq_zero_of_dvd_of_lt
deleted theorem Nat.le_of_lt_add_of_dvd
deleted theorem Nat.mul_div_eq_iff_dvd
deleted theorem Nat.succ_div
deleted theorem Nat.succ_div_of_dvd
deleted theorem Nat.succ_div_of_not_dvd