Commit 2023-05-17 16:14 48c72e85

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feat: more simp lemmas about streams (#3929) This marks many existing lemmas for Stream' as simp, and adds a few new ones. Notably, I've removed the simp attribute from take_succ because that lemma can result in huge goal states (since it duplicates the stream).

Estimated changes

modified theorem Stream'.cycle_singleton
added theorem Stream'.dropLast_take
modified theorem Stream'.drop_drop
added theorem Stream'.drop_tail'
added theorem Stream'.drop_zero
added theorem Stream'.get?_take
modified theorem Stream'.get?_take_succ
modified theorem Stream'.head_drop
added theorem Stream'.nth_tail
added theorem Stream'.tail_drop'
modified theorem Stream'.tail_drop
modified theorem Stream'.tail_map
added theorem Stream'.take_succ'
added theorem Stream'.take_succ_cons
added theorem Stream'.take_take