Commit 2024-01-06 09:51 49f7d612

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refactor: Split off basic Int file (#9443) Data.Int.Basic is currently made of two things:

  • Basic lemmas that continue the theory in Std (and could belong there, really)
  • Basic algebraic order instances I need the first ones earlier in the algebraic order hierarchy, hence the split. Part of #9411

Estimated changes

deleted theorem Int.cast_eq_cast_iff_Nat
deleted theorem Int.coe_nat_div
deleted theorem Int.coe_nat_ediv
deleted theorem Int.coe_nat_inj'
deleted theorem Int.coe_nat_mod
deleted theorem Int.coe_nat_nonneg
deleted theorem Int.coe_pred_of_pos
deleted theorem Int.ediv_of_neg_of_pos
deleted theorem Int.natAbs_cast
deleted theorem Int.natAbs_surjective
deleted theorem Int.nat_succ_eq_int_succ
deleted theorem Int.neg_nat_succ
deleted theorem Int.neg_pred
deleted theorem Int.neg_succ
deleted theorem Int.ofNat_eq_cast
deleted def Int.pred
deleted theorem Int.pred_nat_succ
deleted theorem Int.pred_neg_pred
deleted theorem Int.pred_succ
deleted theorem Int.sign_coe_add_one
deleted def Int.succ
deleted theorem Int.succ_neg_nat_succ
deleted theorem Int.succ_neg_succ
deleted theorem Int.succ_pred
deleted theorem Int.toNat_coe_nat
deleted theorem Int.toNat_coe_nat_add_one
added theorem Int.coe_nat_div
added theorem Int.coe_nat_ediv
added theorem Int.coe_nat_inj'
added theorem Int.coe_nat_mod
added theorem Int.coe_nat_nonneg
added theorem Int.coe_pred_of_pos
added theorem Int.ediv_of_neg_of_pos
added theorem Int.natAbs_cast
added theorem Int.natAbs_surjective
added theorem Int.neg_nat_succ
added theorem Int.neg_pred
added theorem Int.neg_succ
added theorem Int.ofNat_bit0
added theorem Int.ofNat_bit1
added theorem Int.ofNat_eq_cast
added theorem Int.pow_eq
added def Int.pred
added theorem Int.pred_nat_succ
added theorem Int.pred_neg_pred
added theorem Int.pred_succ
added theorem Int.sign_coe_add_one
added def Int.succ
added theorem Int.succ_neg_nat_succ
added theorem Int.succ_neg_succ
added theorem Int.succ_pred
added theorem Int.toNat_coe_nat