Commit 2024-08-05 10:13 4d93d88d

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refactor: use consistent names for forgetful smul structures (#15500) Moves:

  • AddCommMonoid.natModule -> AddCommMonoid.toNatModule
  • AddCommGroup.intModule -> AddCommGroup.toIntModule
  • algebraNat -> Semiring.toNatAlgebra
  • algebraInt -> Ring.toIntAlgebra
  • algebraRat -> DivisionRing.toRatAlgebra
  • AddCommGroup.natModule.unique -> AddCommMonoid.uniqueNatModule
  • AddCommGroup.intModule.unique -> AddCommGroup.uniqueIntModule The premise here is that the conversion from AddCommGroup to AddCommMonoid is not really any different from converting from AddCommGroup to Module ℤ; and so both should be named with the to* naming convention. Tihs also brings the naming of the Module and Algebra instances into alignment. I chose toNatModule instead of toModuleNat to match the prose, ℕ-module. This fits a common naming convention if you view Module as infix, as we do with various other lean functions without actual infix notation.

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