Commit 2024-04-20 13:53 4e9bd1d4

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chore(Algebra/Algebra): split Subalgebra.Basic (#12267) This PR was supposed to be simultaneous with #12090 but I got ill last week. This is based on seeing the import Algebra.Algebra.Subalgebra.Basic → RingTheory.Ideal.Operations on the longest pole. It feels like Ideal.Operations should not be needed to define the notion of subalgebra, only to construct some interesting examples. So I removed the import and split off anything that wouldn't fit. The following results and their corollaries were split off:

  • Subalgebra.iSupLift
  • AlgHom.ker_rangeRestrict
  • Subalgebra.mem_of_finset_sum_eq_one_of_pow_smul_mem

Estimated changes