Commit 2023-04-12 19:26 4fa401fa

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feat: Dot notation aliases (#3303) Match and a bit of

Estimated changes

deleted theorem dvd_add_iff_left
deleted theorem dvd_add_iff_right
modified theorem dvd_add_right
modified theorem dvd_iff_dvd_of_dvd_sub
modified theorem dvd_neg
deleted theorem dvd_neg_of_dvd
deleted theorem dvd_of_dvd_neg
deleted theorem dvd_of_neg_dvd
modified theorem dvd_sub_comm
added theorem dvd_sub_left
added theorem dvd_sub_right
added theorem dvd_sub_self_left
added theorem dvd_sub_self_right
modified theorem neg_dvd
deleted theorem neg_dvd_of_dvd