Commit 2024-11-23 00:05 4fe03b81

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chore(Algebra/Group/TypeTags): Remove porting notes related to lean4#1910, use new notation everywhere (#19369) part 1: make applied occurances of Additive.toAdd and Multiplicative.toMul use newly available dot notation.

Estimated changes

modified theorem ofAdd_toAdd
modified theorem ofMul_toMul
modified theorem toAdd_div
modified theorem toAdd_inv
modified theorem toAdd_mul
modified theorem toAdd_ofAdd
modified theorem toAdd_one
modified theorem toAdd_pow
modified theorem toAdd_zpow
modified theorem toMul_add
modified theorem toMul_neg
modified theorem toMul_nsmul
modified theorem toMul_ofMul
modified theorem toMul_sub
modified theorem toMul_zero
modified theorem toMul_zsmul
modified theorem nnnorm_toAdd
modified theorem nnnorm_toMul
modified theorem norm_toAdd
modified theorem norm_toMul
modified theorem dist_toAdd
modified theorem dist_toMul
modified theorem nndist_toAdd
modified theorem nndist_toMul