Commit 2022-12-08 07:28 51eda27a

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feat: port Algebra.Order.[Ring|Field].Defs (#905) 655994e298904d7e5bbd1e18c95defd7b543eb94 Ports:

  • Algebra.Order.Ring.Defs
  • Algebra.Order.Ring.Canonical
  • Algebra.Order.Ring.CharZero
  • Algebra.Order.Field.Defs Todo:
  • Fix a few proofs; nothing looks bad.
  • Deal with unused arguments.
  • Check #aligns
  • Fix casing of names in comments.
  • Long lines
  • Linting
  • Remove old Algebra.Order.Ring

Estimated changes

added theorem bit0_add
added theorem bit0_zero
added theorem bit1_add'
added theorem bit1_add
added theorem bit1_zero
added theorem Antitone.const_mul
added theorem Antitone.mul
added theorem Antitone.mul_const
added theorem Antitone.mul_monotone
added theorem Monotone.const_mul
added theorem Monotone.mul
added theorem Monotone.mul_antitone
added theorem Monotone.mul_const
added theorem StrictAnti.const_mul
added theorem StrictAnti.mul_const
added theorem StrictMono.const_mul
added theorem StrictMono.mul
added theorem StrictMono.mul_const
added theorem Units.inv_neg
added theorem Units.inv_pos
added theorem add_le_mul'
added theorem add_le_mul
added theorem add_le_mul_two_add
added theorem add_one_le_two_mul
added theorem antitone_mul_left
added theorem antitone_mul_right
added theorem bit0_le_bit0
added theorem bit0_lt_bit0
added theorem bit1_le_bit1
added theorem bit1_lt_bit1
added theorem bit1_mono
added theorem bit1_pos'
added theorem bit1_pos
added theorem cmp_mul_neg_left
added theorem cmp_mul_neg_right
added theorem cmp_mul_pos_left
added theorem cmp_mul_pos_right
added theorem le_neg_self_iff
added theorem le_of_mul_le_of_one_le
added theorem lt_mul_left
added theorem lt_mul_right
added theorem lt_mul_self
added theorem lt_neg_self_iff
added theorem lt_two_mul_self
added theorem max_mul_of_nonneg
added theorem min_mul_of_nonneg
added theorem mul_le_mul_left_of_neg
added theorem mul_le_one
added theorem mul_lt_mul''
added theorem mul_lt_mul'
added theorem mul_lt_mul
added theorem mul_lt_mul_left_of_neg
added theorem mul_lt_mul_of_neg_left
added theorem mul_max_of_nonneg
added theorem mul_min_of_nonneg
added theorem mul_neg_iff
added theorem mul_nonneg_iff
added theorem mul_nonneg_of_three
added theorem mul_nonpos_iff
added theorem mul_pos_iff
added theorem mul_pos_of_neg_of_neg
added theorem mul_self_inj
added theorem mul_self_lt_mul_self
added theorem mul_self_nonneg
added theorem mul_self_pos
added theorem neg_iff_pos_of_mul_neg
added theorem neg_le_self_iff
added theorem neg_lt_self_iff
added theorem neg_of_mul_neg_left
added theorem neg_of_mul_neg_right
added theorem neg_one_lt_zero
added theorem one_le_bit1
added theorem one_lt_bit1
added theorem one_lt_mul_of_le_of_lt
added theorem one_lt_mul_of_lt_of_le
added theorem pos_iff_neg_of_mul_neg
added theorem pos_of_mul_neg_left
added theorem pos_of_mul_neg_right
added theorem pow_nonneg
added theorem pow_pos
added theorem strict_anti_mul_left
added theorem strict_anti_mul_right
added theorem sub_one_lt
added theorem zero_le_bit0
added theorem zero_le_mul_left
added theorem zero_le_mul_right
added theorem zero_lt_bit0