Commit 2023-11-24 19:52 54f7158d

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feat: Multiplication of convex function (#7650) We prove that the product of nonnegative monovarying convex functions is convex. We take the opportunity to golf the various proofs of the convexity of x ↦ x ^ n.

Estimated changes

added theorem ConcaveOn.mul'
added theorem ConcaveOn.mul
added theorem ConcaveOn.mul_convexOn
added theorem ConcaveOn.smul''
added theorem ConcaveOn.smul'
added theorem ConvexOn.mul'
added theorem ConvexOn.mul
added theorem ConvexOn.mul_concaveOn
added theorem ConvexOn.pow
added theorem ConvexOn.smul''
added theorem ConvexOn.smul'
added theorem convexOn_pow
added theorem convexOn_zpow