Commit 2023-10-30 11:10 553dd6bd

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chore(Topology/Clopen): rename type variables (#7921) This file was using a mixture of Greek letters and letters X, Y, Z. Switch to using the latter consistently, per Zulip discussion. Best reviewed commit by commit; each is self-contained and should be quick to review.

Estimated changes

modified theorem IsClopen.compl
modified theorem IsClopen.diff
modified theorem IsClopen.inter
modified theorem IsClopen.preimage
modified theorem
modified theorem IsClopen.union
modified def IsClopen
modified theorem Set.Finite.isClopen_biInter
modified theorem Set.Finite.isClopen_biUnion
modified theorem isClopen_biInter_finset
modified theorem isClopen_biUnion_finset
modified theorem isClopen_compl_iff
modified theorem isClopen_discrete
modified theorem isClopen_empty
modified theorem isClopen_iInter_of_finite
modified theorem isClopen_iUnion_of_finite
modified theorem isClopen_range_inl
modified theorem isClopen_range_inr
modified theorem isClopen_range_sigmaMk
modified theorem isClopen_univ