Commit 2023-09-08 09:40 55bbc69d

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chore: split Tactic.NormNum.Basic (#7002) This was accumulating a lot of different plugins. This split makes it easier to track which tactics rely on which plugins. Summary of changes:

  • Tactic.NormNum.Basic has had contents split out into separate files:
    • Eq
    • Ineq
    • Inv
    • Pow
    • OfScientific
  • Tactic.NormNum.CharZero has been rolled into the new Tactic.NormNum.Inv
  • Tactic.NormNum.OrderedRing has been rolled into the new Tactic.NormNum.Ineq
  • Tactic.NormNum imports all the new plug-in files
  • Tactic.Ring only imports the norm_num plugins it needs
  • CancelDenoms moved to CancelDenoms.Core with only the imports needed by the tactic
  • and replaced with a new CancelDenoms that imports CancelDenoms.Core and some additional imports for plugins that are useful when using cancel_denoms
  • Linarith.Preprocessing only imports CancelDenoms.Core, rather than CancelDenoms
  • add imports to Linarith that are not needed for the implementation, but make it more powerful
  • SimpleGraph.Density requires an additional import because it has been removed earlier.
  • test/GCongr/inequalities.lean needs the OfScientific plugin.

Estimated changes