Commit 2024-02-16 19:21 56349361

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Feat: Add Yang-Baxter equation and the opposite braided monoidal category (#10415) This PR adds some basics about monoidal opposite categories and their relation to the original category, as well as the Yang-Baxter equation for braided monoidal categories. It should be easy to define an action of the braid group on an object of a braided monoidal category from this.

Estimated changes

deleted theorem CategoryTheory.mop_inj
deleted theorem CategoryTheory.mop_unmop
modified theorem CategoryTheory.op_tensorObj
deleted theorem CategoryTheory.unmop_inj
deleted theorem CategoryTheory.unmop_mop
added theorem Quiver.Hom.mop_inj
added theorem Quiver.Hom.mop_unmop
added theorem Quiver.Hom.unmop_inj
added theorem Quiver.Hom.unmop_mop