Commit 2023-01-09 17:24 56bf4cd6

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feat: improve the way to_additive deals with attributes (#1314)

  • The new syntax for any attributes that need to be copied by to_additive is @[to_additive (attrs := simp, ext, simps)]
  • Adds the auxiliary declarations generated by the simp and simps attributes to the to_additive-dictionary.
  • Future issue: Does not yet translate auxiliary declarations for other attributes (including custom simp-attributes). In particular it's possible that norm_cast might generate some auxiliary declarations.
  • Fixes #950
  • Fixes #953
  • Fixes #1149
  • This moves the interaction between to_additive and simps from the Simps file to the toAdditive file for uniformity.
  • Make the same changes to @[reassoc]

Estimated changes