Commit 2023-11-13 16:29 5c9c13df

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chore: split MeasureSpace.lean into 3 files (#8389) The original file MeasureSpace.lean is a mess of 4580 lines, with a lot of changes of namespaces, active variables, and so on. We split it into three files:

  • MeasureSpace, with 2095 lines left (some stuff could still be moved to other files, but it already makes much more sense)
  • Restrict, with everything on restriction of measures (1100 lines)
  • Typeclasses, defining finite measures, sigma-finite measures, and so on (1443 lines) The new files are still large, but less so. This is 99% moving around and ensuring that variables and namespaces remain the same (#align statements have been very useful for this), and 1% adding classical in proofs and [Decidable ...] assumptions in statements, as I haven't opened Classical in the new files.

Estimated changes

deleted theorem Finset.measure_zero
deleted theorem IsCompact.measure_lt_top
deleted theorem MeasureTheory.ae_eq_comp'
deleted theorem MeasureTheory.ae_eq_comp
deleted theorem MeasureTheory.prob_le_one
deleted theorem Set.Countable.ae_not_mem
deleted theorem Set.Finite.measure_zero
deleted theorem Set.Infinite.meas_eq_top
deleted theorem ae_restrict_iff_subtype
deleted theorem comap_subtype_coe_apply
deleted theorem indicator_ae_eq_restrict
deleted theorem indicator_meas_zero
deleted theorem map_comap_subtype_coe
deleted theorem measure_Icc_lt_top
deleted theorem measure_Ico_lt_top
deleted theorem measure_Ioc_lt_top
deleted theorem measure_Ioo_lt_top
deleted theorem piecewise_ae_eq_restrict
deleted theorem volume_image_subtype_coe
deleted theorem volume_preimage_coe
deleted theorem volume_set_coe_def
added theorem indicator_meas_zero
added theorem map_comap_subtype_coe
added theorem volume_preimage_coe
added theorem volume_set_coe_def
added theorem Finset.measure_zero
added theorem measure_Icc_lt_top
added theorem measure_Ico_lt_top
added theorem measure_Ioc_lt_top
added theorem measure_Ioo_lt_top