Commit 2023-03-16 17:38 61ca0ea8

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feat: improvements to congr! and convert (#2606)

  • There is now configuration for congr!, convert, and convert_to to control parts of the congruence algorithm, in particular transparency settings when applying congruence lemmas.
  • congr! now applies congruence lemmas with reducible transparency by default. This prevents it from unfolding definitions when applying congruence lemmas. It also now tries both the LHS-biased and RHS-biased simp congruence lemmas, with a configuration option to set which it should try first.
  • There is now a new HEq congruence lemma generator that gives each hypothesis access to the proofs of previous hypotheses. This means that if you have an equality ⊢ ⟨a, x⟩ = ⟨b, y⟩ of sigma types, congr! turns this into goals ⊢ a = b and ⊢ a = b → HEq x y (note that congr! will also auto-introduce a = b for you in the second goal). This congruence lemma generator applies to more cases than the simp congruence lemma generator does.
  • congr! (and hence convert) are more careful about applying lemmas that don't force definitions to unfold. There were a number of cases in mathlib where the implementation of congr was being abused to unfold definitions.
  • With set_option trace.congr! true you can see what congr! sees when it is deciding on congruence lemmas.
  • There is also a bug fix in convert_to to do using 1 when there is no using clause, to match its documentation. Note that congr! is more capable than congr at finding a way to equate left-hand sides and right-hand sides, so you will frequently need to limit its depth with a using clause. However, there is also a new heuristic to prevent considering unlikely-to-be-provable type equalities (controlled by the typeEqs option), which can help limit the depth automatically. There is also a predefined configuration that you can invoke with, for example, convert (config := .unfoldSameFun) h, that causes it to behave more like congr, including using default transparency when unfolding.

Estimated changes

added def MySet.image
added def MySet
added def g
added def
added inductive walk