Commit 2024-05-27 08:32 6524156d

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chore: Use the new ∑ i ∈ s, f i notation (#13209) Replace ∑ i in s, f i/∏ i in s, f i by ∑ i ∈ s, f i/∏ i ∈ s, f i everywhere. The former is deprecated notation that will be removed in a few months.

Estimated changes

modified theorem Nat.geomSum_lt
modified theorem Odd.geom_sum_pos
modified theorem geom_sum_mul
modified theorem geom_sum_one
modified theorem geom_sum_two
modified theorem geom_sum_zero
modified theorem mul_geom_sum
modified theorem mul_neg_geom_sum
modified theorem one_geom_sum
modified theorem op_geom_sum
modified theorem op_geom_sum₂
modified theorem zero_geom_sum
modified theorem DFinsupp.card_Icc
modified theorem DFinsupp.card_Ico
modified theorem DFinsupp.card_Iic
modified theorem DFinsupp.card_Iio
modified theorem DFinsupp.card_Ioc
modified theorem DFinsupp.card_Ioo
modified theorem DFinsupp.card_uIcc
modified theorem Finsupp.card_Icc
modified theorem Finsupp.card_Ico
modified theorem Finsupp.card_Iic
modified theorem Finsupp.card_Iio
modified theorem Finsupp.card_Ioc
modified theorem Finsupp.card_Ioo
modified theorem IsCoprime.of_prod_left
modified theorem IsCoprime.of_prod_right
modified theorem IsCoprime.prod_left
modified theorem IsCoprime.prod_left_iff
modified theorem IsCoprime.prod_right
modified theorem IsCoprime.prod_right_iff
modified theorem IsRelPrime.of_prod_left
modified theorem IsRelPrime.of_prod_right
modified theorem IsRelPrime.prod_left
modified theorem IsRelPrime.prod_left_iff
modified theorem IsRelPrime.prod_right
modified theorem IsRelPrime.prod_right_iff