Commit 2023-10-25 14:17 65b7d164

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feat: generalize some lemmas to directed types (#7852)

New lemmas / instances

  • An archimedean ordered semiring is directed upwards.
  • Filter.hasAntitoneBasis_atTop;
  • Filter.HasAntitoneBasis.iInf_principal;

Fix typos

  • Docstrings: "if the agree" -> "if they agree".
  • ProbabilityTheory.measure_eq_zero_or_one_of_indepSetCat_self -> ProbabilityTheory.measure_eq_zero_or_one_of_indepSet_self.

Weaken typeclass assumptions

From a semilattice to a directed type

  • MeasureTheory.tendsto_measure_iUnion;
  • MeasureTheory.tendsto_measure_iInter;
  • Monotone.directed_le, Monotone.directed_ge;
  • Antitone.directed_le, Antitone.directed_ge;
  • directed_of_sup, renamed to directed_of_isDirected_le;
  • directed_of_inf, renamed to directed_of_isDirected_ge;

From a strict ordered semiring to an ordered semiring

  • tendsto_nat_cast_atTop_atTop;
  • Filter.Eventually.nat_cast_atTop;
  • atTop_hasAntitoneBasis_of_archimedean;

Estimated changes

modified theorem Antitone.directed_ge
modified theorem Antitone.directed_le
modified theorem Monotone.directed_ge
modified theorem Monotone.directed_le
modified theorem directed_id
deleted theorem directed_of_inf
deleted theorem directed_of_sup