Commit 2023-09-05 10:32 6da24862

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feat: generalize some lemmas from a normed space to a TVS (#5771)

  • Generalize FiniteDimensional.complete, Submodule.complete_of_finiteDimensional from a normed space over đť•ś to a uniform additive commutative group that is a TVS over đť•ś.
  • Generalize Submodule.closed_of_finiteDimensional, LinearMap.closedEmbedding_of_injective, closedEmbedding_smul_left isClosedMap_smul_left, and ContinuousLinearMap.exists_right_inverse_of_surjective from a normed space to a TVS.
  • Rename finiteDimensional_of_isCompact_closed_ballâ‚€ to finiteDimensional_of_isCompact_closedBallâ‚€.

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