Commit 2024-01-30 22:28 6eb43dc3

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refactor: Delete Algebra.GroupPower.Lemmas (#9411) Algebra.GroupPower.Lemmas used to be a big bag of lemmas that made it there on the criterion that they needed "more imports". This was completely untrue, as all lemmas could be moved to earlier files in PRs:

  • Necessary lemmas have been moved to earlier files since lemmas were dumped in Algebra.GroupPower.Lemmas
  • In the Lean 3 → Lean 4 transition, Std acquired basic Int and Nat lemmas which let us shortcircuit the part of the algebraic order hierarchy on which the corresponding general lemmas rest
  • Some proofs were overpowered
  • Some earlier files were tangled and I have untangled them This PR finishes the job by moving the last few lemmas out of Algebra.GroupPower.Lemmas, which is therefore deleted.

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