Commit 2022-11-01 23:28 6f1cc3b7

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feat: ring_exp tactic, subtraction in ring (#519) Another complete rewrite. This implements one ring to rule them all: it incorporates both ring_exp and ring behaviors, now under the name ring. (ring_exp had some small (1.4x) performance issues that prevented it from being used by default; I'm hoping that those issues are fixed now, and we can revisit later if it becomes an issue.)

Estimated changes

added theorem Commute.add_left
added theorem Commute.add_right
added theorem Commute.zero_left
added theorem Commute.zero_right
added theorem Nat.cast_commute
added theorem mul_neg
added theorem neg_mul
modified theorem neg_mul_eq_neg_mul
modified structure Mathlib.Tactic.Ring.Cache
added inductive Mathlib.Tactic.Ring.ExSum