Commit 2022-12-23 13:50 71723d8b

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chore: fix casing per naming scheme (#1183) Fix a lot of wrong casing mostly in the docstrings but also sometimes in def/theorem names. E.g. fin 2 --> Fin 2, add_monoid_hom --> AddMonoidHom Remove \n from to_additive docstrings that were inserted by mathport. Move files and directories with Gcd and Smul to GCD and SMul

Estimated changes

added theorem ofDual_compl
added theorem ofDual_himp
added theorem ofDual_hnot
deleted theorem of_dual_compl
deleted theorem of_dual_himp
deleted theorem of_dual_hnot
added theorem toDual_compl
added theorem toDual_hnot
added theorem toDual_sdiff
deleted theorem to_dual_compl
deleted theorem to_dual_hnot
deleted theorem to_dual_sdiff