Commit 2023-08-14 20:58 75bcb185

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chore: refactor perfect rings / fields (#6182) The main changes are:

  • we replace the data-bearing PerfectRing typeclass with a Prop-valued (non-constructive) version,
  • we introduce a new typeclass PerfectField,
  • we add a proof that a perfect field of positive characteristic has surjective Frobenius map,
  • we add some basic facts such as perfection of finite rings / fields and products of perfect rings.

Estimated changes

deleted theorem MonoidHom.map_pthRoot
modified theorem PerfectClosure.eq_iff
deleted theorem PerfectClosure.eq_pthRoot
deleted def PerfectClosure.lift
deleted theorem RingHom.map_pthRoot
deleted theorem coe_frobeniusEquiv
deleted theorem coe_frobeniusEquiv_symm
deleted theorem commute_frobenius_pthRoot
deleted theorem eq_pthRoot_iff
deleted def frobeniusEquiv
deleted theorem frobenius_pthRoot
deleted theorem injective_pow_p
deleted def pthRoot
deleted theorem pthRoot_eq_iff
deleted theorem pthRoot_frobenius
deleted theorem pthRoot_pow_p'
deleted theorem pthRoot_pow_p