Commit 2024-09-06 21:42 77577996

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refactor(Order/SuccPred/Limit): IsSuccLimitIsSuccPrelimit (#16518) A future PR will redefine IsSuccLimit as a non-minimal IsSuccPrelimit. This matches standard usage for ordinals and cardinals. The "pre-" in the name was chosen by analogy to e.g. PreconnectedSpace. Every theorem that previously used isSuccLimit in its name is deprecated. Some of these will be overwritten once IsSuccLimit is defined.

Estimated changes

deleted theorem Order.IsPredLimit.lt_pred
deleted theorem Order.IsPredLimit.pred_ne
deleted def Order.IsPredLimit
deleted theorem Order.IsSuccLimit.succ_lt
deleted theorem Order.IsSuccLimit.succ_ne
deleted def Order.IsSuccLimit
deleted theorem Order.isPredLimit_iff
deleted theorem Order.isPredLimit_top
deleted theorem Order.isSuccLimit_bot
deleted theorem Order.isSuccLimit_iff
deleted theorem Order.not_isPredLimit
deleted theorem Order.not_isPredLimit_iff
deleted theorem Order.not_isSuccLimit
deleted theorem Order.not_isSuccLimit_iff
deleted theorem PredOrder.limitRecOn_pred
deleted theorem SuccOrder.limitRecOn_succ