Commit 2023-02-07 14:12 7a7c6e0d

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feat: port Order.LiminfLimsup (#2078) Most notable parts of this file:

  • Needed to translate isBoundedDefault macro to lean4, very easy
  • Had to replace e with FunLike.coe e in a theorem statement to prevent strange coercion behaviour for Equivs.

Estimated changes

added theorem Filter.IsBounded.mono
added def Filter.IsBounded
added theorem
added def Filter.bliminf
added theorem Filter.bliminf_congr'
added theorem Filter.bliminf_congr
added theorem Filter.bliminf_eq
added theorem Filter.bliminf_false
added theorem Filter.bliminf_true
added def Filter.blimsup
added theorem Filter.blimsup_congr'
added theorem Filter.blimsup_congr
added theorem Filter.blimsup_eq
added theorem Filter.blimsup_false
added theorem Filter.blimsup_mono
added theorem Filter.blimsup_true
added theorem Filter.inf_liminf
added theorem Filter.inf_limsup
added theorem Filter.isBounded_bot
added theorem Filter.isBounded_iff
added theorem Filter.isBounded_sup
added theorem Filter.isBounded_top
added theorem Filter.isCobounded_bot
added theorem Filter.isCobounded_top
added theorem Filter.le_liminf_of_le
added theorem Filter.le_limsup_of_le
added def Filter.liminf
added theorem Filter.liminf_compl
added theorem Filter.liminf_congr
added theorem Filter.liminf_const
added theorem Filter.liminf_eq
added theorem Filter.liminf_le_of_le
added theorem Filter.liminf_nat_add
added theorem Filter.liminf_sdiff
added def Filter.liminfₛ
added theorem Filter.liminfₛ_bot
added theorem Filter.liminfₛ_top
added def Filter.limsup
added theorem Filter.limsup_compl
added theorem Filter.limsup_congr
added theorem Filter.limsup_const
added theorem Filter.limsup_eq
added theorem Filter.limsup_le_of_le
added theorem Filter.limsup_nat_add
added theorem Filter.limsup_sdiff
added def Filter.limsupₛ
added theorem Filter.limsupₛ_bot
added theorem Filter.limsupₛ_top
added theorem Filter.mono_bliminf'
added theorem Filter.mono_bliminf
added theorem Filter.mono_blimsup'
added theorem Filter.mono_blimsup
added theorem Filter.sdiff_liminf
added theorem Filter.sdiff_limsup
added theorem Filter.sup_liminf
added theorem Filter.sup_limsup
added theorem OrderIso.liminf_apply
added theorem OrderIso.limsup_apply