Commit 2024-02-27 00:53 7aeba51a

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chore(Analysis/NormedSpace): split up OperatorNorm.lean (#10990) Split the 2300-line behemoth OperatorNorm.lean into 8 smaller files, of which the largest is 600 lines.

Estimated changes

deleted theorem Continuous.clm_comp_const
deleted theorem Continuous.const_clm_comp
deleted theorem Continuous.prod_mapL
deleted theorem ContinuousLinearMap.bound
deleted theorem ContinuousOn.prod_mapL
deleted def IsCoercive
deleted theorem LinearMap.bound_of_shell
deleted theorem NonUnitalAlgHom.coe_Lmul
deleted theorem Submodule.norm_subtypeL
deleted theorem norm_image_of_norm_zero