Commit 2023-05-21 21:51 7b2fc8ad

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chore: forward-port leanprover-community/mathlib#18848 (#4007) I've been someone sloppy about forward-porting the exact mathport here; a lot of the classical additions result in the whole proof being indented, which IMO just adds noise to the diff. What's important is that:

  • open Classical is removed from all the same files
  • [DecidableEq _] is added in the same position to all the same lemmas. In theory mathport will detect if we mess this up, so it's not essential to catch this in review. The linter will tell us if it is added unnecessarily, and the build will fail if is not added someewhere it is needed; so only the argument order is at risk of being wrong.
  • The new foo_def lemmas are all added in variables.lean

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