Commit 2023-02-18 20:01 7e1713a1

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feat: port LinearAlgebra.Quotient (#2286) porting notes:

  1. Adding type ascriptions to mk or mk x and friends greatly speeds up elaboration issues.
  2. What is the proper casing convention for mkq or liftq (and variants). Is is mkq, or mkQ? Edit: we've gone with mkQ, liftQ and mapQ.
  3. How should submodule.comap_mkq.rel_iso be called according to our naming conventions? Edit: unclear, but here it's been changed to Submodule.comapMkQRelIso.
  4. Why can't Lean fill in optParams automatically in simp or rw? Edit: apparently this was never a thing in Lean 3 either.
  5. Why did I need to add an optParam in Submodule.Quotient.equiv_apply that wasn't needed in Lean 3, so this has been #aligned with an , and why didn't simps generate this lemma?
  6. There are some instances I feel like we may want to be default_instances, but I'm not sure. Edit: this can always be added later if necessary, so it's not urgent here. Zulip

Estimated changes

added theorem Submodule.comap_liftQ
added theorem Submodule.ker_liftQ
added theorem Submodule.ker_mkQ
added theorem Submodule.le_comap_mkQ
added def Submodule.liftQ
added theorem Submodule.liftQ_apply
added theorem Submodule.liftQ_mkQ
added def Submodule.mapQ
added theorem Submodule.mapQ_apply
added theorem Submodule.mapQ_comp
added theorem Submodule.mapQ_id
added theorem Submodule.mapQ_mkQ
added theorem Submodule.mapQ_pow
added theorem Submodule.mapQ_zero
added theorem Submodule.map_liftQ
added def Submodule.mkQ
added theorem Submodule.mkQ_apply
added theorem Submodule.mkQ_map_self
added theorem Submodule.quot_hom_ext
added theorem Submodule.range_liftQ
added theorem Submodule.range_mkQ