Commit 2022-11-30 18:00 80eed250

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feat: port Data.Nat.Basic (#729) This is based on a future version of mathlib3, once and have landed.

Estimated changes

added theorem Nat.Up.WF
added theorem
added def Nat.Up
added def Nat.upRel
added theorem
deleted theorem Nat.Up.WF
deleted theorem
deleted def Nat.Up
added theorem Nat.add_def
added theorem Nat.add_one_le_iff
added theorem Nat.add_succ_sub_one
added theorem Nat.and_forall_succ
added theorem Nat.div_add_mod'
added theorem Nat.div_le_div_left
added theorem Nat.div_lt_iff_lt_mul'
added theorem Nat.div_lt_one_iff
added theorem Nat.div_lt_self'
added theorem Nat.exists_lt_succ
added theorem Nat.findGreatest_eq
added theorem Nat.findGreatest_succ
added theorem Nat.findGreatest_zero
added theorem Nat.find_comp_succ
added theorem Nat.find_eq_iff
added theorem Nat.find_eq_zero
added theorem Nat.find_le
added theorem Nat.find_le_iff
added theorem Nat.find_lt_iff
added theorem Nat.find_mono
added theorem Nat.forall_lt_succ
added def Nat.leRecOn'
added def Nat.leRecOn
added theorem Nat.leRecOn_injective
added theorem Nat.leRecOn_self
added theorem Nat.leRecOn_succ'
added theorem Nat.leRecOn_succ
added theorem Nat.leRecOn_succ_left
added theorem Nat.leRecOn_surjective
added theorem Nat.leRecOn_trans
added theorem Nat.le_div_iff_mul_le'
added theorem Nat.le_find_iff
added theorem Nat.le_induction
added theorem Nat.le_of_pred_lt
added theorem Nat.lt_add_one_iff
added theorem Nat.lt_div_mul_add
added theorem Nat.lt_find_iff
added theorem Nat.lt_iff_add_one_le
added theorem Nat.lt_iff_le_pred
added theorem Nat.lt_mul_div_succ
added theorem Nat.lt_mul_of_div_lt
added theorem Nat.lt_of_div_lt_div
added theorem Nat.lt_one_add_iff
added theorem Nat.lt_succ_iff
added theorem Nat.max_succ_succ
added theorem Nat.mod_add_div'
added theorem Nat.mod_eq_iff_lt
added theorem Nat.mod_mod_of_dvd
added theorem Nat.mod_succ_eq_iff_lt
added theorem Nat.mul_add_mod
added theorem Nat.mul_add_mod_of_lt
added theorem Nat.mul_def
added theorem Nat.mul_dvd_of_dvd_div
added theorem Nat.mul_ne_mul_left
added theorem Nat.mul_ne_mul_right
added theorem Nat.not_succ_lt_self
added theorem Nat.of_le_succ
added theorem Nat.one_add_le_iff
added theorem Nat.one_le_div_iff
added theorem Nat.one_lt_succ_succ
added theorem Nat.or_exists_succ
added theorem Nat.pred_eq_of_eq_succ
added theorem Nat.pred_eq_self_iff
added theorem Nat.pred_eq_sub_one
added theorem Nat.pred_eq_succ_iff
added theorem Nat.pred_one_add
added theorem Nat.pred_sub
added theorem Nat.rec_add_one
added theorem Nat.rec_zero
added def Nat.strongRecOn'
added theorem Nat.strongRecOn'_beta
added theorem Nat.succ_add_sub_one
added theorem Nat.succ_injective
added theorem Nat.succ_le_iff
added theorem Nat.succ_lt_succ_iff
added theorem Nat.succ_ne_succ
added theorem Nat.succ_pos'
added theorem Nat.succ_succ_ne_one
added theorem Nat.two_lt_of_ne
deleted def Nat.upRel